Heat and Energy ?

2020-06-01 7:48 pm
How much energy is required to heat 1.2kg iron from 24degC to 54degC


回答 (2)

2020-06-01 8:47 pm
Refer to: http://www2.ucdsb.on.ca/tiss/stretton/database/Specific_Heat_Capacity_Table.html
Specific heat capacity of iron = 0.444 J/g°C

Energy required, E
= m c ΔT
= (1.2 × 1000 g) × (0.444 J/g°C) × [(54 - 24) °C]
= 16 × 1000 J
= 16 kJ
2020-06-01 8:47 pm
by Q = ms∆t
=>Q = 1.2 x 460.55 x (54 - 24)
=>Q = 16579.80 J

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