Why are Americans so obsessed with Jesus?

2020-05-31 4:38 pm

回答 (9)

2020-05-31 7:53 pm
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America was founded by the religious that were feeling uncomfortable about Europe's move towards science. Of course I'm not saying there is no science in America, but it is these people's descendants who seem to think we shouldn't be in this room.
2020-05-31 5:52 pm
Americans are the least educated of all the civilized nations and ancient superstition does well where education is so low.
2020-05-31 4:47 pm
Whilst the rest of the West was building universities, hospitals, libraries and cathedrals America was at the frontier stage where charlatan preachers took advantage of the gullible. That is why virtually all the creation and intelligent design sects and cults are American showing they are in fact not Christian but Fundamentalists!
2020-05-31 7:55 pm
False premise.  Americans aren't obsessed with Jesus.  You're obsessed with what you think Americans do.
參考: Greek Orthodox Christian
2020-05-31 4:41 pm
We are not "obsessed" with him but you seem to be. We worship him as our Lord and Saviour. 
2020-06-01 12:07 am
Well they ARE justabout the most gullible on the planet..
2020-06-01 3:28 am
He is the only Lord and Savior we have.
2020-05-31 5:08 pm
They aren't.  They're obsessed with Paul's representation of Jesus.
2020-05-31 4:39 pm
because Jesus is love. 
That's me and Jesus at a beach.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:38:19
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