grand daughter rights to stay wih grand mother in her house?

2020-05-30 10:30 pm
My Mom is 93  my daughter movie in to help her clean ,taker her pills shop laundry she lives there however my nasty step sister  who lives 30 minutes away dictates every thing to my  Daughter living with mom in moms house , my sister says for my daughter to move out  , cant  she do this  just like that to  have my daughter removed if  my mom is afraid of my inconsiderate 1/2 sister?

its more a legal matter  if my sister calls yhe local police  whats my daughters rights

回答 (3)

2020-05-31 1:37 am
Depends on who has the legal right to make your mother's decisions for her. If your Mother retains that right.... no one else has it. If your sister managed to obtain that right (it's a legal issue), then she has it. Have you kept track of what's going on? Do you have any idea what is your Mother's intent? Find out if your sister has wrangled legal Power of Attorney over your Mother. That's not the same as POA at the bank to do her banking. For her to obtain POA over your Mother and her estate.... that takes legal papers and formal declaration. Find out. 
2020-05-31 1:06 am
Unless your step sister owns the home or is your mother's guardian, she can't have your daughter forceably removed. The police won't do anything. Depending on your local laws, your daughter may have tenant's rights and need to be formally evicted. Your mother can kick her out though, even if she is being pressured in to it. Your mother and daughter need to make a formal rental agreement. This will protect both of them and make the terms of their arrangement clear. Your mother also needs to get her affairs in order and name a guardian in the event that she can't make decisions for herself. It is very possible that your step sister could claim that role if your mother does not make her wishes known.
2020-05-31 8:21 am
i wouldnt stay somewhere if they told me to move out

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:58:57
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