Why is Youtube flagging videos as copyright when Twitch, where the clips are from, dont flag them?

2020-05-30 1:46 am
Lately I have been capturing clips from twitch streams and putting them together to make funny videos, but 2nd time it has been flagged for copyright. Twitch also deals with copyright issues in their own way, they mute part of the stream in question of copyright & delete clips in those parts. However none of the clips included were deleted, a.k.a not copyright issue, so why is youtube flagging them when twitch doesn't? I never plan to make money off of them, i just use youtube as a platform to put the videos and keep em up instead of my computer but I fear all this copyright BS is gonna do more than just prevent monetization. So why is youtube doing this? and should I be worried?

To be clear, not all my videos with twitch clips have been flagged, but 2 in a row have. Also, I am using clips that I clipped and LEGALLY downloaded from my twitch clip manager so I didnt steal anything!

回答 (2)

2020-07-06 1:10 pm
Convert YouTube to mp4 from https://bitly.com/31L7Jtk
2020-05-30 2:35 am
Because each company has its own guidelines that it uses to determine what it and is not a violation.  I am sure i can find items on YouTube that are flagged on Twitch.

Plus you admit that what you are posting are captured from Twitch.  So right there YouTube can flag for you for stealing from Twitch.  But Twitch would not flag the original because it started with them.

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