Why didn't The Holy Bible talk about space and other planets?

2020-05-29 11:50 pm
There are now satellites outside of Earth. Astronomers have studied other planets.

So where is Heaven at?

It said God came out the clouds to meet the people.

And also in the Book of Joshua, God talked to him. What did God look like when he was talking to Joshua.

Also 1 Thessalonians 5:26 KJV. It said greet all the brethren with an holy kiss.

I thought it was forbidden for same sex people to do stuff like that. So, can you explain that verse?

Sorry. It was something wrong with my phone to put that much of a gap between sentences.

回答 (11)

2020-05-30 4:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Several of the planets are mentioned by name in the Bible.

They are not described in any detail because that would have been completely and totally irrelevant to the subject matter that the authors were conveying in their documents.

I mean, what do you expect? Something like this?

Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind”; and it was so.

Mars is the third planet from the Sun. It's orbital period is about 687 days.

God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good.
2020-05-29 11:52 pm
Why doesn't my cookbook talk about plumbing?
My question makes as much sense as yours.
2020-05-29 11:53 pm
Everything you say is BS. I'm not siding with theists, just against dumbasses like you because you're making the rest of us atheists look bad with all your mind-numbingly ignorant claims. Is that what you're doing, trolling? Are you really a theist troll pretending to be atheist to try and make atheists look dumb as a bag of hair?
2020-05-29 11:52 pm
The BuyBull is an arcane old cult book.  Totally ridiculous, full of cult nonsense.
It is not a factual book - which is why it claims the earth sits on pillars, stars are set into a firmament, the sun goes around the earth, and contains thousands of other factual errors and false claims.  Point this (and other) garbage out to christians, they poop their pants and run home crying to mommy.  Oh, and they give you down-votes, too.  LMAO!
2020-05-29 11:51 pm
It was written by mostly ancients that never ventured far and did not even know another world existed across the ocean.  
2020-05-30 5:38 am
The Bible is primarily concerned with explaining how we go to heaven; not how the heavens go.
2020-05-30 3:04 am
Because it's not a science book. Heaven is within you.
2020-05-30 2:43 am
Hebrews chapter 1 verse 2 says that Jesus created all the worlds and  Genesis 1 it tells us how God separated the Earth from the heavens and made a great expanse.

There's two kinds heaven spoken of in the Bible. 1 Hebrew and Greek word refers to the blue sky above us the heavens that the birds fly around in also called in the Bible the air. there is also the spiritual realm in the Bible where God lives in unapproachable light that also is referred to as the heavens. It seems that the Hebrews and the Greeks used the word to describe anything that is above us the sky space or the invisible Spirit realm. Anyway without a great long song and dance the heavens were God resides. Is not a place it's a dimension it's right in the same space and time that we occupy. But on a different quantum existence. There is now some evidence coming in that we can actually look at taken by what's called the quantum camera we're getting video tapes of living prehistoric creatures. And other kinds of creatures which we can't quite identify that look man like but aren't men. Right here next to us on the Earth. You might find it quite surprising there might be a thousand different people living in your living room right now sitting next to you that you can't see on another quantum plane. We'll just have to wait and see how the quantum camera pans out. And we might just learn a little more about heaven.
2020-05-30 2:08 am
The Bible only tells us what we need to know; otherwise it would be too big to pick up. 
2020-05-29 11:54 pm
Sure it does! As stars in the firmament...
參考: I didn't say it does it accurately.
2020-05-29 11:51 pm
Why doesn't the bible talk about microwave ovens?

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