what are these classes in college called?

2020-05-29 10:13 am
i was told that i have to take math, English and reading classes before i study for my major.and i was also told that i have to study for these classes for 2 years, which i think is ridiculous.

回答 (4)

2020-05-29 10:55 am
If you're in the US, the term is "general education". You will also have to take a science, a history, and a social science. The idea is to turn out educated human beings who know how to evaluate information, vote intelligently, and have background information in many areas. You then take courses in your major in your last two years. 
2020-05-29 11:00 pm
In the US, general education classes. Which will include math, English, history, science and humanities. You will have a choice of classes to pick from with in those subjects. You can gear it towards your major.  Your major will have some prerequisites classes you need to take.
2020-05-29 12:03 pm
They are called general education courses. Often you can test out of them. You probably will not get any college credit if you test out with CLEP test (College Level Examination Placement). I have NEVER heard of ANYONE being put into a remedial reading class in ANY college or vocational technical school. 

Depending on the wording of the requirements of your degree. program are written, you may not HAVE to take ANY math courses at all. I took ZERO math courses for my first bachelors degree. The degree requirements were 2 science OR math courses. I took SIX science courses. I majored in American history. 

Many 4 year colleges will NOT you allow to officially declare a major until relatively late in your 4th semester. YOU are responsible for finding a faculty member who is willing to be your academic adviser.

Maybe a community college that offers associate degree programs or a vocational technical school might be better for you. Plenty of people in high school also go to vo-tech schools.
2020-05-29 5:23 pm
pre-reqs [ initial requirements before moving up to the more advanced classes]

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