Why do I have to help a grown adult part her bills jus because we dating?

2020-05-28 4:57 am
I was told that if I’m dating someone I should be willing to move in with the person and help the afford their bills.

Can anyone help me figure out how and why do I have split the bills 50/50. Why can’t people pay the own bill instead of try to convince people to move in to pay the bills

Why do I have to help a grown adult part their bills jus because we dating?

回答 (4)

2020-05-28 5:09 am
If you are just dating someone, you have no obligation to move in with them to help pay the bills. Maybe you should date someone who is not poor and dependent on you. 
2020-05-28 5:25 am
Are you a woman dating a man, or a woman dating a woman, or a man dating a woman, or a man dating a man?Finally, who TOLD YOU that you if you're dating someone you should be willing to move in with them and help them pay their bills? The reason I'm asking whether you're a man or woman is because you asked us why you should help pay 'her' bills just because you're dating, but in other posts you seem to be a straight female.
2020-05-28 6:45 am
So whilst your there you are not using anything in the house like gas or electric? if you lived in your own place would you not have to pay rent ? Free loading isn't cool
2020-05-28 5:46 am
Dating means shared outings, shared activities, either occasionally or regularly. 

If someone tells you that your only options are "Move in with me and take on half the costs" or "We don't see each other" then choose "We don't see each other." With a person this demanding, nothing you do will every be enough. Get away from this person before he/she sucks you and your bank account dry. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:06:17
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