Should I not have told her cheated?

2020-05-25 3:38 pm
Me and this guy were texting after flirting at the bar. He asked if I would come back to his place but would bail on fates. Days later we sexted for 10 hours straight and he asked me for nude pics. He sent me a pic of his thing from his bed. Days later I found out through mutual friends he didn't know we had that he was getting married in a few months. I got her contact information from online and showed her the texts. She thanked me/dumped him canceled the wedding. Was this none of my business and was this crazy of me?

回答 (1)

2020-05-25 3:41 pm
You did the right thing. Better she found out now before the wedding than later, which she probably would have done anyway.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:53:47
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