I keep having these dreams and I want them to stop. What do I have to do?? ?

2020-05-25 11:12 am
I’ll try to make this as short as possible. My closest friend called off our friendship in January. She didn’t like the fact that I wanted more than a friendship. Since then she has treated me like a complete enemy. Well for the past month I’ve been having dreams every night and each dream includes the same situation, me desperately trying to get her attention. I recently put two and two together and realized she didn’t care for me as much as I thought she did. I tried apologizing and hoping we could start over but she wasn’t buying it. I have a lot on my mind I really want to tell her but because we don’t talk I can’t and every day I make myself angry with these thoughts because I want to get if off my chest but I can’t and I feel this is why I’m having these dreams. My buddy says it’s because I want closure. A part of me wants to just message or call her and tell her everything and finally have it off my chest, the other part of me says just leave it alone and let time do it’s thing. What do I need to do? I want to be clear, nothing I want to tell her has to do with “winning her back” or apologizing. It’s more along the lines of how angry and betrayed I feel by her. 

Also in my dreams as I try getting her attention she completely ignores me as if I don’t exist. 

回答 (8)

2020-05-25 11:38 am
you have to figure out something else to focus your mental energy on
2020-05-25 11:34 am
Well, It happens because you are thinking about her all the time. You should tell her everything you are thinking about and you will feel better. Talk to her when she is not angry. If you keep dreaming about her ignoring you, it is because something that you are very worried about. There is a more explanation about having those dreams. Just go to the website bigraccoon.com and search for: dreams in a search line. And you can read about why you are having those dreams. Good luck to you. Surround yourself with people that want you to be happy. 
2020-05-25 12:29 pm
Your emotions are writing your dream scripts.  If you are able to change or heal your emotions, your dreams will return to normal.  If you aren't able to heal your subconscious emotions and the memories and desires that cause the subconscious emotions, your dreams may go into symbolic scripts (e.g., someone is ignoring your cries for help, you feel alone in a large city, etc.).

Understanding Yourself by Mark Prophet;
Watch Your Dreams;
The Master of Lucid Dreams;
For Couples Only (for a better next relationship).
2020-05-25 11:21 am
I think the best thing to do would be to let it go... Sorry to say. I have been friend zoned before, and things do get awkward after feelings are confessed. Sometimes your just not someone's type and there's nothing you can do about it. If she's treating you differently then just give her her space. If you press the matter on her it could make things worse. She will make her way back to you if it is meant to be. In the mean time do your best to move on. You will continue to think about her, and the dreams may continue. But in time it will get easier and the dreams may stop. Rejection sucks I know! Hope this helped and good luck.
2020-05-26 1:04 am
She may be someone who likes to have the winning hand.  You have to consider the fact that you didn't really know her at all.  If she could dump you like that, I wouldn't want anything to do with her.  Telling her all you want to tell her will only stir up other issues.  Have you considered that?  You call her your "closest friend." Really?  I don't think so.  She never was, if you asked more of her and she drew a line you couldn't cross, and then the friendship could continue as usual.  To leave in a huff as she did only shows how immature she really is.  She couldn't handle a closer type of relationship.  She is still a little girl. You have got to get the upper hand on this situation as she is the one who did something wrong, or unkind, or unthinking, NOT YOU!  Let her go.  Release her to the winds.   You did nothing wrong.   Go out there and find yourself a worthwhile girl to be a companion to you. 
2020-07-09 7:28 pm
Unfortunately, sometimes people just don't feel about us the way we do about them. It's understandable to be upset when you feel betrayed. Your dreams do indeed point to your need for closure, to say your piece. However, if you have any hope of future reconciliation, it would be best to not force the issue. Instead, write everything down in a letter to her. But DON'T give it to her (or anyone else for that matter). You will find that it will put a stop to your recurring dream. Just write down everything you want to say, all your feelings and then seal the envelope. And burn it.  
2020-06-09 11:48 pm
Your short description is quite long indeed! It all boils down to your desperation to patch up with them. Likely, you feel guilty because you you wanted something more than she was willing you to be AND that caused her to fall out. The dream theme recurring means you are emotionally disturbed. True, you want to apologize but she is not interested in that. What use running behind her? Write her off for experience, tell yourself "what the heck" and move on with life. The more you try to reach out, the more adamant will she be. All that will be counter-productive. Such things happen in relationships, you got to take it easy.
2020-05-27 2:44 am
It would appear from your post that you are a very thoughtful person who likes to have a clear conscience. This is an amazing quality. Please do not ever change who you are. It is unfortunate that your ex did not see this. It's her loss. However, putting all that aside, your dream is showing you that your life is on hold because you want her to see your perspective. You are being shown this to help you realize that it is not important. Who you are is more important. What you do about the situations you are in is important. Thus, perhaps it's time to move on, leave this past behind and hopefully, your path will lead you towards an environment where you are recognized and appreciated for who you are. Perhaps you may even find your soul mate. Hope this helps.
參考: Meditations for the Journey by C. Mohan

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