Can you sue for visitation rights if you had a history of drug use?

2020-05-24 2:12 pm
If someone has been sober for 5-6 years, has had a clean life since then and their only past record was that they had been a drug addict, could they file for visitation rights of their children? How likely would a court rule in their favor? Again, this is someone with no other criminal history, just a history of having been addicted to drugs 

回答 (7)

2020-05-24 3:43 pm
You need to speak to a lawyer, but it will be difficult for you, once you have a criminal record courts are not always willing to let you near a child, maybe you could ask for supervised visits for now? but get legal advice.
2020-05-24 10:59 pm
If they can demonstrate in a credible manner that they have been clean for 5-6 years and that they are not otherwise a substantial risk to the kids then they should be able to get visitation restored.
2020-05-24 10:15 pm
They can certainly seek visitation, of course.
2020-05-24 10:09 pm
The court system prefers to keep families together, not break them apart.  Consult an attorney who can review your case and advise you of the best course of action.
2020-05-24 8:48 pm
Of course they can....... the courts look on it as a right of the child to know both their parents...of course the court also protects the children, so the court may require you to have regular drug tests, may require you to have supervised visits in a contact centre
2020-05-24 2:17 pm
Yes, of course. The courts lean towards parental rights. They've given rights to fathers who KILLED the mothers, for crying out loud! (Look it up. The father took the kids to a cabin in Oregon and blew them all up). 
2020-05-24 2:13 pm
They should get visits if they haven't kicked drugs, they can be supervised.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:51:30
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