Why is the Coronavirus so much worse then the Swine Flu was a decade ago?

2020-05-22 8:49 am
Swine Flu any closings were local and it was a big story for a few weeks and then went to the back of the news. Coronavirus has gotten more news hours of coverage then possibly even 9/11. It is up with 9/11 and the Kennedy Assassination or Pearl Harbor as the biggest event in history.

Why is Coronavirus so big and so deadly and so much worse then Swine Flu or even Spanish Flu?

回答 (4)

2020-05-22 9:21 am
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It's simple math, dumbass.  The swine flu was a small outbreak compared to this one, and it was mostly a false alarm.  And Covid is nowhere close to being as bad as the 1918 Spanish flu.

Learn how to count.
2020-05-22 11:17 am
Because Covid-19 is NOT the flu! Because the coronavirus is 4 times deadlier than swine flu. Because swine flu doesn't leave patients with permanent lung, liver & brain damage. Because swine flu didn't kill a million people... We're at 350K now and all the experts are predicting at least double that.
2020-05-22 9:59 am
It isn't.  Now let's get things open.  July 4 would be a good day for opening the country back up.
2020-05-22 9:00 am
We had a vaccine for the swine flu and millions of people got that vaccine. Plus that strain of swine flu didn't sicken as many people as anticipated. But we don't have a vaccine for Covid-19 and it is much more contagious than the flu. Even people who recover can have lasting lung, heart and kidney damage. It threatens the entire world, not just the U.S. But I would say that it's not as big an event as Pearl Harbor.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:38:12
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