以下英文如何翻譯 : 你好: 詢問以下網頁產品,台灣是否有代理商窗口接洽,請協助提供,謝謝?

2020-05-21 12:18 pm

回答 (9)

2020-05-22 8:08 am
Please help to provide assistance if there are any distributors in TW-Mainland for the online products shown.Thank you.
2020-05-21 2:02 pm


Hello, ask about the following webpage product, any Taiwan distributor (window省去) to contact, please help to provide, thank you.

Hello, I would like to ask for your assistant whether there are any distributors in Taiwan for the online products shown here (可把下面變為這裏更直接) for me to make contact.


2020-05-21 1:10 pm
I would like to know if this online product has dealer/agent windows between Taiwan and the mainland to provide assistance? Thank you!
2020-05-22 7:01 am
經銷商 - dealers
分銷商 - distributors
代理商 - agents
窗口(一般指單一窗口) - single-window

翻譯 :
Regarding the products as shown in the following webpage, please let me have the contact information for the single-window service provider, if any, for the dealership between Taiwan and Mainland China.  Thank you.
2020-06-13 8:41 pm
Hello: Inquiry about the following web products. Is there an agent window in Taiwan to contact? Please help to provide it. Thank you?
2020-05-25 7:00 am
If possible,please submit the agent data and the products as the following websites to us. Your cooperation is deeply appreciated.
2020-05-23 5:06 pm
Hello: ask about the following web products. Is there any agent window in Taiwan to contact us? Please help us to provide. Thank you.
你好: 詢問以下網頁產品,台灣是否有代理商窗口接洽,請協助提供,謝謝?
2020-05-22 9:49 am
Good Morning ,
I am interested and inquiry the products on the page as below , is there an agent to contact with in Taiwan , please help us and provide the information , thanks ?
2020-05-22 8:04 am
russmann jaimes rainbowalicee 滾出台灣

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