Do gloves protect against Coronavirus?

2020-05-21 4:58 am
I had someone answer a previous question of mine with the comment posted below. My question is if this is true or do gloves protect us against Coronavirus?

3 hours ago
The gloves increase your risk. The virus doesn't absorb through your skin. The only thing gloves do is carry virus across everything you touch.

4 Hours Ago:
Stop wearing them.

As a rule of thumb, don't touch anything that your wouldn't put in your mouth. If and when you do have to touch something, consider your hand[s] contaminated until you can wash or sanitize.

KaleyK---Meant to give you best answer, sorry about that, hadn't read your answer when I selected. 

回答 (10)

2020-05-21 5:03 am
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You're right (as far as I know).  You don't absorb viruses through your skin.  Gloves don't actually shield you from the virus.  In fact, if you wear the same gloves for hours and hours, touch your face, scratch your eyes, pick your nose, gloves don't help at all.

But yesterday I was in a grocery store where the checker was wearing gloves.  After she took my money and bagged my groceries, she sprayed her (gloved) hands down with alcohol.

I asked 'Do you do this for every customer?'  She said yes.  And that's the advantage of surgical gloves!  If you did that with your bare hands 100 times a day, your skin would dry out terribly.  But it doesn't hurt gloves!
2020-05-21 5:02 am
Read the article linked.  The CDC is now clear that spreading the virus via surface contact is rare.  The virus is spread by inhaling the respiratory droplets of an infected person.  Thus social distancing "works" while scrubbing your hands to shrivels does not "work".  There is no need to wear gloves in an attempt to avoid Covid-19.
2020-05-21 5:06 am
Don't touch your face, whether you wear gloves or not. Gloves protect you if you throw them away after you've been to a store touching things.
2020-05-21 5:34 am
Wearing gloves can be a protective measure against the spread of or physical contact with any viral organism by offering that impassable protective layer for your hands, so yes they can protect against COVID-19 infection, as can a face mask and glasses.
2020-05-21 5:08 am
Wearing gloves *correctly is safer than no protection at all. The problem is most people do not know how to properly deglove and end up contaminating their hands anyway as a result. But gloves aren't really necessary unless you're caring for someone who's tested positive. As long as you don't touch your face, wash hands & use sanitizer after touching anything out in public, that should be adequate.
2020-05-21 5:00 am
As far as spreading the virus goes, wearing gloves is much worse than not wearing them.
2020-05-22 9:03 am
Yes they do. So do masks. 
2020-05-22 7:09 am
I was in a grocery store about 2 weeks ago. A customer in the store was wearing those thin little gloves that come inside  the kits that you use to color your hair with at home. She pushed her cart of groceries to her car, unloaded her groceries, took off her gloves, and threw them into her empty cart for store employees or other customer to have to deal with. 

So much for the idea that gloves offer any kind of protection!!!
2020-05-21 7:48 pm
cream your hands with aloe-vera
2020-05-21 4:59 am
please give me best answer i need a point to ask questions

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