Where can I buy replica Jo Malone candles?

2020-05-21 2:54 am
I’d really like a Jo Malone candle as a feature item on some shelves but just can’t afford the price tag that comes with them. Especially as I wouldn't even be looking to light it, just have it for show. I know there are similar candles in Aldi etc but I specifically would like the Jo Malone one. Is there anywhere that does replica / fake candles? 

回答 (1)

2020-05-21 5:57 am
No, its illegal and would be shut down. There is no real market in fake Jo Malone candles.  You could copy the label and stick it on some you have, but thats kind a bit like who are you fooling!?

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:13:26
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