In the Bible how many puppies were drowned during the flood?

2020-05-20 12:51 am

回答 (8)

2020-05-20 1:04 am
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all of them.  God killed all the puppies and kittens.
2020-05-20 12:53 am
None, the dinosaurs ate them out of mercy. 
2020-05-20 1:22 am
All of them did
2020-05-20 1:01 am
All of them except for 2, unless they are considered to be clean and then 7 pairs made it.
2020-05-20 1:29 am
A helluva-lot. Just as there were kittens and babies and bird chicks fresh hatched from their eggs. The only creatures unaffected were those living in the sea. But now humans are killing life in the oceans with plastic pollution, and aborting unborn babies by the millions, and eating animal flesh cruelly - look at Chinese 'wet' markets where puppies and dogs are caged, then pandemics spread globally due to viruses from there crossing over into humans. What, exactly is the point of your question?

At least, with God, the point of that flood was to wipe out human wickedness that had arisen to a degree even we have not yet experienced. But it will get similar to that just before Jesus returns, to usher in the Day of Judgment and Resurrection.
2020-05-20 1:08 am
apparently all except two
2020-05-20 12:52 am
2020-05-20 5:55 am
All of them. Poor puppies.
2020-05-20 12:54 am
Anywhere from zero to millions. Why are you asking?

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