If a vaccine is never found for the coronavirus, will we stay on lockdown for the rest of our lives?

2020-05-19 8:09 pm

回答 (162)

2020-05-20 9:31 am
2020-05-21 9:05 pm
Yes, we must sacrifice our jobs in order to protect 100 year old smokers.
2020-05-20 12:27 pm
We don’t even know if a vaccine is going to be effective.  Even Fauci doubts this.
2020-05-20 12:55 am
If you want to you can. I’m going to go out. I’ll pick you up some toilet paper though
2020-05-21 10:22 am
Many countries and states have already gotten out of lockdown even though we don't have a vaccine. So the answer is obviously no. Nobody truly believes that a vaccine will never be developed. There are several projects which could have one out by the end of the year, possibly as early as September. 
2020-05-21 5:23 am
Yes we should until a vaccine is found 
2020-05-21 9:10 pm
Not so, but yes, social distancing forever will stay and people will one day stop recognizing each other. Just like today, when people have to guess the other person in front with their eyes and voice and can't have a look at their face.
2020-05-23 8:03 pm
No retard. We will treat it like it’s the seasonal flu. I can’t stand this lock down anymore and I want the economy to reopen.
2020-05-22 8:11 am
Lockdown is going away.   Contact tracing, better testing & to some degree masks & social distancing are here to stay.
2020-05-24 4:46 pm
There is an impasse coming. Either the Government opens the economy, or the people
Will. The second option... will not be pretty. When people in mass begin losing literally everything, families break up, children starving, I’m talking REAL starvation, not Whiny “it’s not fair, why can’t I eat filet minion and lobster tail! Screw the rich” not these fucktards. REAL hunger. People will survive and they won’t be nice to the people that put them in that position. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:36:49
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