Are you tired of hearing about the coronavirus?

2020-05-19 11:09 am
It's gotten so old and tiring at this point. They need to reopen the country already. I think everyone is tired of this.

回答 (4)

2020-05-19 11:12 am
You might want to ask the relatives of the 90,000 people who have died. Or the people who are still hospitalized, on ventilators, and gasping for breath. It's not just that this disease kills people really fast- it's that it's a particularly painful disease for the people who have it. A student of mine, healthy, in his twenties, had it and has now recovered, but he says it was the sickest he's ever been. People shouldn't assume they're immune. 
2020-05-19 2:20 pm
When your grandchildren study this in school and ask you about it (one of the biggest events in your lifetime), tell them how bored you were of staying home so that other people wouldn't die. 
2020-05-19 11:10 am
 Do you understand what pandemic is ?  
2020-05-19 11:56 am
Absolutely. All the media and world is talking about and my mother is in a hysteria about it like she things most of humanity will be wiped out by the virus and those that survive will have to do cannibalism to survive the famine that follows.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:39:59
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