Why is the US still getting 24k+ new coronavirus cases per day?

2020-05-18 10:33 pm
Like where the hell is it all coming from?

回答 (12)

2020-05-19 12:43 am
From stupid people screaming their rights are being violated and they are out running around sharing the love of the virus
2020-05-19 12:05 am
It's coming from infected people who aren't wearing masks and asymptomatic people who are infecting others.
2020-05-21 5:17 am
There is no evidence that they are. Outside of China and the UK the numbers are relatively stable to low. If you believe the communist sources then everywhere but China and the UK are suffering dramatically. If you believe the readily and freely obtainable sources of information from outside of the communist bloc areas, the sources you can check yourself using real Science, then the statistical numbers are stabilizing. Even places where the virus arrived much later such as South America and Russia are experiencing the same curve as everywhere else. Outside of China and the UK the entire planet still had ample time to prepare for the disease, while the early sufferers, China and the UK, had no warning or ignored or were slow to act on the warnings they received.
2020-05-20 4:06 am
Tulip has best answer.
2020-05-19 7:07 pm
People aren't taking health and safety measures seriously. If an infected person coughs or sneezes around you, you can end up getting it. 
It's spread in communities like elderly / long term care homes. If an infected person comes or goes from these homes, they can infect people out side of them. 
2020-05-18 10:35 pm
More testing will reveal the true number of people infected.
2020-05-18 11:45 pm
If that's true, what's the point of all the washing, sanitizing and masking? It's not doing a bit of good.
2020-05-22 8:19 am
The U.S. is NOT getting 24K+ new coronavirus cases per day. Where did you come up with that figure?  Coronavirus cases in the U.S. are, in fact, slowing down. 
2020-05-19 2:47 pm
New people coming or the fact that actually people who have it are coming from all over.
2020-05-19 5:08 am
because of vaccines

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:36:51
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