What happens if a vaccine for coronavirus is never found?

2020-05-18 7:07 pm

回答 (23)

2020-05-19 2:33 am
It will pass like any other flu and life will go on.
2020-05-19 7:13 pm
Remember SARS... there was no vaccine for that and it eventually went away. There was no vaccine created for it. 
2020-05-18 7:08 pm
Then people will have to be exposed and develop immunity - just like many other viruses.
2020-05-18 11:38 pm
What happens if no vaccine comes out? 
 A certain percentage of the population will get it and die. And a certain percentage won’t. Same thing with cancer. There’s no vaccine for that either, is there? And hasn’t that been around a lot longer than this particular coronavirus?And most people that get treated for cancer by mainstream medicine here still die from it anyway. It just delays the death a little bit...maybe. Maybe not. There’s  also no vaccine for potential mass shooting victims, no vaccine to save soldiers and civilians from dying in wars,  no vaccine for little kids to be injected with who end up being beaten to death by their abusive parents to make them immune to that, there’s no vaccine to prevent people in this country and elsewhere who have given up on life from finally acting on their suicidal impulses, no vaccine to spare the lives of all the people who end up killed in fatal car accidents every day, no vaccine for the victims of the stupidity of gun owners who leave their guns lying around loaded and unlocked so their kids can pick them up and accidentally shoot their best friends to death when the gun owner isn’t home. There’s not even any vaccine to prevent the fatalities that also have been known to occur when people are GIVEN vaccines...especially children and elderly, whose brains, bodies and immune system sometimes cannot handle the massive inflammatory immune response they are designed to trigger.  There’s no vaccine to prevent deaths caused by stupidity, by greed...people die from all of these things and more. No vaccine for any of it. It’s called the human condition. And death is part of it. There’s no vaccine to save you from death, regardless of what form it comes in. So make sure you figure out how you want to live your life. And live it.
2020-05-18 7:23 pm
it will circulate the worlds population until it mutates into something harmless or something really nasty.
it will be a miracle if there is an effective vaccine in five years,we may never find one.
i do not think anyone has come close to predicting how bad this is going to get.
at the very least millions will die and governments will fall.

gear up we are heading to a mad max style existence. 
2020-05-18 9:56 pm
Then we carry on as we do with TB, HIV/Aids, and Diabetes.
2020-05-19 5:00 am
the vaccine delusion
2020-05-20 12:48 pm
I can care less because the Covid-19 flu is no worse than the Swine flu, Ebola or the Seasonal flu.
2020-05-20 2:10 pm
We will survive the same as we are surviving now, We have to protect ourselves. We need to follow the precautions. According to the report, Corona will never go away, that would be found here by the disease like HIV, Cancer etc.  
2020-05-18 8:51 pm
Diseases and pestilences are just two of the signs Jesus said to look for which would identify the times of the end. (Luke 21:11) But he also said we shouldn't be fearful. Luke 21:28 "But as these things start to occur, stand up straight and lift up your heads, because your deliverance is getting near.”
The time for God’s Kingdom to take action “to bring to ruin those ruining the earth” is at hand. (Revelation 11:18) Then many features of Bible prophecy will become a reality in a restored paradise. (Isaiah 33:24; 35:5, 6) This is good news for all those who desire good health God’s way. Soon the “new earth” that John saw will be here, in which “death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.”—Revelation 21:1, 4.
參考: jw.org

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