
2020-05-17 8:28 pm
'I'm an Englishman, ain't I?' rejoined the Dodger. 'Where are my priwileges?'
'You'll get your privileges soon enough,' retorted the jailer, 'and pepper with 'em.'

回答 (2)

2020-05-19 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hahaha, those of you will never know if you have not got locked up in British jails.  It's a privilege to get whipped before supper.  And it's particularly good with pepper and salt.  It's so good that you would skip the suppers for a few days. 

Yummy and what a privilege.  Haha - that's how jail, pepper, and privileges got connected by a miracle whip.
2020-05-18 2:55 am
You'll get your privileges of food and pepper=material used as pepper and salt used to season food.

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