Do liberals think we should be locked down for 5 years?

2020-05-17 11:50 am
Would liberals accept staying shutdown for 5 years if thats what the government tells them because of covid19. It seems most liberals lack critical thinking skills and do not ever question government authority.

回答 (89)

2020-05-17 12:40 pm
Do Trumpturds lack any capacity for reason or is this just deliberate nonsense?
2020-05-18 5:06 am
no Liberals want a solid game plan that saves lives and puts the least people at risk
2020-05-18 9:01 am
Most Americans, both republicans and democrats think we should do whatever it takes to save lives and keep each other healthy until it is deemed save to gather in large groups. The problem is we don't have the leadership that knows how to do this or even cares if people die as long as big business gets what it wants and Trump is allowed to campaign where he wants. The majority say that the medical experts are the ones who should help and advise what should be done instead of an ignorant president who doesn't give a rats behind about yours or my health as long as he gets his way.
This has nothing to do with liberals and conservatives, it is about all  of Americas citizens lives.
2020-05-17 12:07 pm
Yes . I think we should be locked down for 5 years.
I also like killing babies and I love communism.
best answer ?
2020-05-19 2:18 am
I think you should continue your argument against liberals about three weeks after joining some large crowd of people who are standing shoulder-to-shoulder and not wearing masks.  And show your touching right-wing compassion by hugging and comforting any who appear to be sick.    
2020-05-18 1:24 pm
Don't demonize and become part of the propaganda machine, ask a Liberal.

I'm a liberal. I don't think we need a lockdown for 5 years. Realistically, we probably won't get back to normal for 2 years. It will take 6 month-1.5 years for a vaccine. Once we have a successful vaccine it'll take 1 year for distribution to be up to par with the demand. Assuming everything is managed well.

Not all of America needs to be locked down. The rural areas and less dense areas are for sure, safer. I think they can be more lax and operate their businesses with extra precaution to hand washing, 6ft distance and extra disinfecting. Wear masks if they know they're coming in contact with public areas but I don't think those areas need to be locked down. These areas that don't have a lot of cross over from other states are fine.

The other areas really depend on their curve. If their locations have enough hospital capacity to take on what's happening then they can open with caution. Even if the curves flatten in the large cities, as long as there's no vaccine; opening for large gatherings is an extremely stupid move. It's common sense, no vaccine should mean no large gatherings unless it's heavily controlled like Trump's environment is where everyone he's in contact with is frequently tested. The scary thing is, many states didn't have the hospital capacity from the projected models and some states began opening up while their curve was rising.

We do need our economy but we don't want to mindlessly open up the country without being safe. I have friends who've lost family members to this disease and I personally know people sick. With a highly contagious disease without a vaccine, I want our country and government to be safe. I don't want to have to deal with waves. I don't want to have to do repeating lockdowns. If we're gonna do a lockdown I want to do it effectively not open up prematurely.

Check out page 9 of the pandemic playbook Obama left for Trump. It's exactly what we're going through now.

The playbook has a color code system to help determine severity. if we were able to color code the different areas then it would be easier to assign what areas need to be in lockdown and which can be open. Then the severe places need to make sure those people don't migrate and spread the highly infectious disease.

Like President Bush did with the terror alert for Homeland Security, I wish our country had a color coding rating for severity also. The playbook has it. It would have been so much easier to understand and organize around. With a color system then it's easier for states to have a guideline if they need to shut down certain areas, but now they're on their own. That means governors, mayors, and senators fearful of public backlash may not make the best decisions for the public if they are under political pressure. Thus, a neutral organization needed to have been created to grade these areas and layout guidelines to avoid political pressure. 

*Actually, I believe the government needed to created a new type of non-violent-citizen-army where people suffering from co-vid19 unemployment where they volunteer to serve our country by self-quarantining at home, having training videos for using ppe, sanitizing, social distancing, complying to contact tracing database, instead of receiving stimulus checks or unemployment they can receive payment for serving our country.  Probably doing some tasks such as making home-made MRE or working on keeping our economy domestic. Like, businesses don't go bankrupt from a 2-week winter holiday. The government could have set a date and coordinated a 2 week economic freeze or flash shutdown (no grocery runs during 2 week order with MRE being delivered) and draft all citizens to serve the US as a stay-at-home order to really slow the spread. Then after the freeze, have organized what can function, who can come back to work, who needs to stay drafted and put everyone on pandemic alert. But I would have like to see strategy for a flash shut down to stamp the virus out of America or at least do a better job of scapeling out the infected from the public until they're better. Who goes on street protests to avoid jury duty? We have our civilian duties. A draft would have made the protesters look unpatriotic for not helping their fellow Americans from spreading the infection. If Americans understood it is their patriotic duty to protect their fellow Americans we all need to serve to protect our freedom. That would have been a unifying message we needed during this time instead of spoiled, selfish, privileged brats who have no concept of having social responsibilities saying being told to wear a mask is infringing on their rights. People who want to absolve themselves from social responsibility shouldn't have their freedoms protected by our veterans that would die for them.  Americans can tout rights all they want but it's not their right to harm or endanger anyone. It shouldn't be their right to get others sick.

If our government was coordinated and organized then we could be more efficient and saved more money in the long run. 

There will be people traveling, crossing states, being silent carriers so we need organized guidance from our leaders. I'm of Korean descent with Korean relatives in Korea. I see how they were able to get over it without shutting down their economy. Trump's handling of Co-Vid19 is a failure. We needed more Federal coordination, Federal help on so many ways. Leaving it up to the states, making the pandemic this political instead of a moment for Americans to support each other is a huge mess. We have become a weaker, poorer and sicker country.

I've seen actual interviews of Trump saying he didn't like the tests and the problem with doing more tests is the numbers go up and if the number go up America looks very bad. I don't want a President that hides the problem because of his fear. Hiding will make this pandemic more expensive and more deaths in the long run.

Think about it. If Trump says we're safe to come back. Trump's world is very controlled. Everyone in contact with him or Pence are frequently tested. They are as safe as can be. 2 White House staff members tested positive. The White House is not safe. Trump wants everyone to go back to work but he doesn't care if there's enough testing for you. He says everyone that wants a test can have one but that hasn't been true. Everything that Trump says to tell you that you are safe isn't true because we can see what is happening around him and the American people are expendable in Trump's eyes as long as Trump can pass his agendas. 
2020-05-18 5:36 am
As a liberal who doesn’t believe in the whole lockdown thing, the only benefit I could see would be five years worth of stimulus checks maybe? That I could sink my teeth into... I hate working. I’m like a Republican ...I’d rather be out there playing golf or doing some other leisure activity and let the fools do all the work. Isn’t that their philosophy? Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor?
2020-05-18 9:11 am
Yup. Liberals are dumb, what else would you expect?
2020-05-17 11:28 pm
No, 10 years!  That's how long it will take for the Demoncrats to destroy Our Great Country and Our Greatest President!  At least Trump will get re-elected in 2024!
2020-05-18 11:35 pm
Maybe they should stop eating bats in China.

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