How long will it take for US Economy to bounce back from the after effects of coronavirus pandemic?

2020-05-17 9:42 am

回答 (8)

2020-05-18 4:16 pm
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At least a year, minimum. So many companies and businesses went under, it's gonna take a good while. Not to mention the PEOPLE that went under.
2020-05-21 6:29 am
About 9 months or the third quarter of the year which isn't long.
2020-05-17 9:47 am
If up to the Democrats, we will all be on the soup line, that's exactly what they want
2020-05-17 3:53 pm
It would be the same as American football. It would bounce back immediately. It's the land of the braves.
2020-05-17 9:44 am
It will never bounce back. It will start over from when the losses end. Just look at what you lost in 2008 and never got back.
2020-05-22 3:20 am
IT took the US economy almost 5 years to "bounce" back after the 1918 pandemic/
2020-05-17 10:34 am
hopefully not long
2020-05-18 12:10 am
Probably a couple of years. Too much has shut down to start again all at once.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:36:14
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