How is the Coronavirus more contagious than any other virus we’ve ever come in contact with?

2020-05-16 7:51 am
Going out in public, we have always potentially come in contact with the flu virus, and most of us can safely walk around without ever getting the annual flu shot!!! And the flu is a different strain every year!!!! Coronaviruses have always been around us, Covid-19 just happens to be the latest strain!!!! Do paranoid Democrats really expect us to live in fear like germophobes forever?

回答 (13)

2020-05-17 8:23 pm
Knock off the partisan insults. This has NOTHING to do with Democrats OR Republicans. 

The reason it's more contagious is that it's a NEW STRAIN and no one has immunity to it like the flu. The reason you can 'walk around' without a flu shot is because you have probably built up more immunity to the flu. And the flu just doesn't present itself without symptoms. When you have the flu, you're SICK. When you have COVID 19, you may NOT be sick--but that doesn't mean you don't have it. 

Politics doesn't have a damned thing to do with this. 
2020-05-16 8:10 am
"How is the Coronavirus more contagious than any other virus we’ve ever come in contact with?"

Because it is. I believe its 3 times more contagious. Its also more deadly and puts more people in hospitals which can overwhelm the hospitals. 

Nobody wants you to live in fear. We want you to take precautions to help prevent the spread until we have a vaccine. 

A germaphobe is someone that has an irrational fear of germs. Its not irrational to be worried about a virus that can kill you that you could easily catch. 
2020-05-18 10:33 pm
Corona virus is not political. In fact, it's not even "alive" in the traditional sense of the word. What makes it dangerous is the fact that it's new, and no one has any immunity to it. We have immunity to the flu because the flu has been with us for as long as there have been human beings on the Earth. That's not true with this virus.
2020-05-17 3:30 pm
From what I've watched and read, it's contagious because someone who has COVID-19 can be asymptomatic (not show symptoms) for up to 14 days, but they're still able to spread the virus even without showing symptoms.
參考: Doctor Mike
2020-05-16 12:15 pm
Who is living in fear?  Its just math, although maybe math does scare some people.  There is a spread rate, death rate, and fixed numbers of hospital beds, hospital workers, and morgues. When you do the math, the number of hospital patients quickly exceeds hospital capacity without social distancing.  That's all there is to it. One number is larger than the other.   No other infection in the past century has done this. 
2020-05-16 9:00 am
i heard its easier for some people to get it
2020-05-16 8:41 am
They dont expect you to live in fear at all, everyone is just trying to slow the spread and protect the vulnerable.  This virus is 1/ new so there is no herd immunity  2/ is particularly virulent on many levels  3/ spreads very easily.  Many viruses have low thresholds for morbidity-means only a few are required to infect.
2020-05-16 8:21 am
You're welcome to go live in the White House with Traitor trump's butler
2020-05-16 7:57 am
Its NOT "more contagious".

Its a new virus that no one has developed immunity to, so majority of people who get exposed will get sick, carey the virus and transfer it.

Once majority of the population has been exposed and developed immunity it wont be any more or less contagious than any other cold or flu.
2020-05-16 8:00 am
This is my thought on the deal; Since the virus seems to spread so quickly to all areas of the world, it was originally spread by a comet's tail and covered the earth completely. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:40:00
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