The following data were collected for the reaction 2 NO(g) + 2 H2(g) ? N2(g) + 2 H2O (l), at 826°C and with constant volume.?

2020-05-15 1:44 pm
What is the rate equation for the reaction?
a. Rate = k (PNO) 2 (PH2) 
b. Rate = k (PNO) 2 (PH2) 2 
c. Rate = k (PNO) (PH2)
d. Rate = k (PNO) (PH2) 2

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2020-05-15 2:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2NO(g) + 2H₂(g) → N₂(g) + 2H₂O(ℓ)
Rate = k (PNO)ˣ (PH₂)ʸ

Consider Experiments 1 and 2. When PH₂ is kept constant:
(9.63 × 10³)/(1.07 × 10⁻³) = (1.60/0.533)ˣ
9 = 3ˣ
3ˣ = 3²
x = 2

Consider Experiments 2 and 3. When PNO is kept constant:
(2.90 × 10⁻²)/(9.63 × 10⁻³) = (0.6/0.2)ʸ
3 = 3ʸ
3ʸ = 3¹
y = 1

The answer: a. Rate = k (PNO)² (PH₂)

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