Should the coronovirus lockdown have even happened at all. Surely closing down the economy has cost more lives?

2020-05-15 12:25 pm

回答 (9)

2020-05-15 12:29 pm
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-That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.-
2020-05-15 12:42 pm
No. But at the time, we were of the belief that it had a far greater mortality rate. The problem is leaders are very slow to adapt. 
2020-05-15 12:41 pm
No. Sadly trump got bad advice from some
Old doctor and corrupt politicians in Washington. We should have followed Switzerland's
Path and kept the economy open.
2020-05-18 9:32 am
What on earth are you basing that on? Prove it. I predict it saved lives not only from covid but car accident deaths, because fewer people are driving.
2020-05-15 2:26 pm
Nope. It probably wouldn't have happened it it weren't an election year. Information regarding how it spreads, how to avoid it, and who is most vulnerable would have had almost the same results without the collapse of our economy and trampling of all our Constitutional rights.
2020-05-15 12:34 pm
No. In order to have a quality of life, you need to have freedom. Freedoms are being infringed upon in the name of safety, and that’s just not right.
2020-05-17 9:26 am
Yes because without it, even more people would be exposed, sharing germs etc.
參考: I value humanity.
2020-05-17 2:25 am
No it should not have happened, it is just a control mechanism, see what comes next!
2020-05-15 12:47 pm
In Sweden they've taken a different approach. They decided that trying to contain the virus causes more damage than the virus itself. So they are following a herd immunity program, and letting the virus run its natural course with minimal disruption to the economy. 

In the United States they attempted to close down the country for two months and it did little good. Some people believe they didn't go far enough and should not have allowed states any autonomy in deciding when to reopen. However the US has to follow their constitution and there the federal government has no right to tell the states what to do. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:37:41
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