Husband looks at women more than once in front of me? ?

2020-05-14 4:55 pm
When I’m out in public with my husband I catch him staring at women. Not only once but sometimes twice & also sometimes he’ll turn back to take another look. All in front of me & I hate it. 
Once is ok. Everyone looks you can’t help it if a beautiful woman catches your eye. But when he takes another look and sometimes then a third it gets to me. 
There have been times where he looks more than once and that girl notices and she looks back at him and they’re both there gawking at each other & I’m there next to him with our 5 year old son. It makes me feel crappy about myself like I’m not good enough for him.

We could be driving in the car and a girl could be stood on the pavement he will stare and then turn his head whilst we drive pass. I notice it all & he tries his best not to look but he can’t help himself. 

Two nights ago we had a little argument over it. It started over something else then I mentioned “it’s the same when you look at girls in front of me whilst we’re out together”. He asked me what do I mean so I told him. He called me too jealous and paranoid. He told me he doesn’t look at no one maybe once because she could be wearing nice clothes or her lipstick catches his eye but not because he “wants her”. 

It’s not that I’m childish, this has been happening years & it’s bothering me now.
Is it normal for men who are married to do this in front of his wife/family? 

回答 (15)

2020-05-14 5:07 pm
Your husband is full of crap. And he's disrespectful towards you and trying to make you out to be the one that is in the wrong by calling you jealous and insecure. He's an idiot that doesn't care about your feelings. It's too bad you didn't pay attention to these major character flaws before you married him or decided to have a child together. I feel certain they were there, you just decide to ignore them! Not that it helps but you have my sympathy.
2020-05-15 3:48 am
That happened to me several times. I'd walk past and the men would openly stare at me with their partner sitting beside them. That is so disrespectful! Tell your husband women aren't flattered - this one certainly wasn't! My heart would go out to the woman being with such a loser - so much so, I would have loved to hit him - really hard!!  Creepy creep.
2020-05-14 7:27 pm
Seems creepy to look that often. Surprised he hasn’t been called out by some of them
2020-05-16 6:37 am
You are not crazy or over reacting. He has no respect for your emotions. This is a major problem. No man should do this especially a married man. Jesus said in the bible if a man only looks at another woman he committing adultery. Who knows what’s going through his head. This isn’t good get some professional help and guard your heart and mind. Sorry! God bless 
2020-05-14 11:12 pm
Its wrong actually.. Even girls watches handsome men but with some limit. My marriage got fixed with such type of guy. I catched him many time when he was staring at other girls b**t as if she hasn't wore anything. I broke that engagement. You tell him that don't stare at other women. 
2020-05-14 6:08 pm
Its wrong if he does it even once, let alone multiple times. The problem is he's become so use to doing it, so its automatic for him. He is just checking out the merchandise so to speak, but he should have the common sense to not do it in front of you. Keep badgering him when you catch him doing it. And don't be against the idea of checking out other men in front of him. After all, two can play that game.
2020-05-14 7:21 pm
It's normal. Maybe try something new to keep him interested if you love him so much xo
2020-05-14 9:58 pm
some mite suggest gouging his i's out with a pitch fork to stop his disrespectful looking. Not me though.
2020-05-14 11:34 pm
We all do it more than once knowing your seeing it is bad, start checking guys out or dress sexy make his eyes only for you, that or give a quick Jab to his sack everytime he does it??
2020-05-14 10:42 pm
Normal and petty of you to whine I suppose

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