ALTERNATIVE HISTORY:what if axis powers and big four(NO AMERCIKA) had teamed up and had attacked america instead?

2020-05-13 12:33 am
nazis never attack,england,french or russia.
holocaust would still happen.

but what if both powers had attacked america instead?

回答 (6)

2020-05-13 1:07 am
Canada would never have participated and would have broken with the English, and Mexico would have seen themselves as being next and would have jumped in to help. They already suffered one European invasion. With two huge oceans between the Americas and Europe and Asia, the European forces would never have gotten a foothold on land. The US with its vast industrial capability was able to rise quickly to the task for producing aircraft to fight off any approaching naval forces.
2020-05-13 5:40 am
It's your story darling you get to make up the ending.
2020-05-13 1:53 am
Couldn't have happened. Don't you have better things to do with your time than wasting it on useless speculation? 
p.s. "America" Includes all of North, Central and South America. If you meant United States of America, say United States of America or USA.
2020-05-13 1:08 am
Since it's fiction, anything you want to happen is possible.
2020-05-13 1:05 am
Neither Japan nor Germany had the naval resources necessary to invade the USA, and they both knew it. Italy was incapable of being anything more than a nuisance. The USSR had little navy to speak of, and all such speculative histories forget that the USA was developing the atomic bomb, and that only the USA had the economic muscle to do it.
2020-05-13 12:55 am
"but what if both powers had attacked america instead?"

Your scenario:

The big four [which is the "big5" minus the usa] has always been britain canada russia china.. so that is your team
"nazis never attack england" so we're talking pre battle of france, if germany never attacked britain, britain never would have a need to upgrade its weaponry,, we're talking Matilda and light tanks here; spitfire mkIIs and hurricane Is - and germany the same.  No tigers or panthers, they were made to combat the russian T-34/76s
We're relying on the british navy, germany and russia didn't really have one.. how would we transport our divisions?  Sure we made it to france, but we're talking the atlantic now... and air support, nothing can fly across the ocean and we don't got carriers... and transport our material across america after we land and start reaching objectives?

Not looking good

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