How come Liberals never blame China for the virus and get upset when Trump does?

2020-05-12 6:34 pm

回答 (22)

2020-05-12 11:13 pm
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Liberals believe China is this Grandiose hidden power of enlightenment ,they believe that China will control Silicon Valley one day so they are more then willing to bend down or kneel before their Chinese communist master ,it is that China has invested allot in leftist causes like buying up all the rural land in the United States and forcing residents of these rural communities to move into the cities .
Thus what you have is a system in the near future where China dictates to our media what they can say and can't say.
2020-05-12 6:36 pm
Any time someone talks about the U.S. response to the virus Trump deflect to blaming China and you supporters claim people are blaming Trump for the virus. 
2020-05-12 6:48 pm
We know the virus originated in China.  We also know South Korea, Taiwan. Australia, & NZ all kept their deaths per million around 5.  The US is over 240 deaths per million.  Why the difference?  We blame Trump for his incompetent response to the virus.
2020-05-12 6:58 pm
Trump is trying to shift the blame from how incredibly poorly he's handled the virus. Nothing is ever his fault even though he put the lives of Americans at risk due to his botched handling of the epidemic.

Wven if it did originate in China that doesn't excuse Trump's incompetence.
2020-05-12 6:41 pm
because trump cant handle the job
2020-05-12 6:50 pm
China doesn't dictate how your country reacted to the pandemic.

When this is over China will have to look at how this started for their own benefit as well as ours and there will be international pressure for it to do so, but raging against China seems a pointless activity.
2020-05-12 7:01 pm
China is no more responsible for COVID 19 then the US is responsible for Swine Flu. 
2020-05-12 7:18 pm
Go suck on your recommended hydroxychloroquine.
2020-05-12 6:43 pm
Because yesterday China has had a total of 82,918 cases since it was first discovered, while the US had 1,385,834.  If you think China did poorly with dealing with a new virus, the US did more than 16 times worse and unlike China, the US had advanced warning.
2020-05-12 6:38 pm
China wants to bring down America almost as much as the libs.  
2020-05-12 6:37 pm
Blaming trump and China, will not bring back the Americans who died from virus.
2020-05-12 7:39 pm
they dont want to say bad things about chi na
2020-05-12 6:47 pm
It’s difficult for them because they’re in bed with them
2020-05-12 6:39 pm
It appears liberals are colluding with China in their effort to destroy America so a communist dictatorship can be installed.
2020-05-12 6:54 pm
shrug, who cares where it came from?
2020-05-12 7:02 pm
They would never blame China because they are working hand and hand with China to get Trump and to take down our country 
2020-05-13 7:47 am
The swamp tells them china is good, any country who has screwed us over like china is not a friend, the swamp people have ties there and made lots of money thru kick backs.. as they say don't cut off the hand that feeds you.
2020-05-12 8:52 pm
To answer my own question . Many of the people here deflecting  blame from China are actually Chinese communists themselves who are using our public sites to place answers to help seed confusion and to help liberals take down our president . Which ones are Chinese infiltrators , you might ask ?  It is hard to tell but they are definitely here as they are everywhere , whether going against our government with answers on sites or stealing intellectual property in our businesses .
2020-10-21 4:52 pm
Because evidently they love China. Go to China town and hug a Chinese right?
2020-09-22 4:06 pm
@princes* WRONG incase you're mind is clogged, CHINA is responsible for the virus because they CREATED IT 
2020-05-13 12:55 am
Probably China doesn t have "homeless",homosexuals,
prostitution "unemployment"I think that is a crime if employment is a necessity for a person for a certain period  and cannot get the job because of fascist liberals capitalists and social democrats or republicans .

One cannot question the existence of people anyway especially as long as the Congress is occupied by a minority by a hand of people called themselves republican and democrats while the rest of the people are not in parliamesnts .--
If the rest of the plot is literarurized meaning a fairy tale with a lazy person and this was happening during a king while there were no schedules of work of 40 years at least at the countryside and anyway- at all.
2020-05-13 7:45 pm
Because they think he can do no wrong evidently. 

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