Ramadan change?

2020-05-11 1:33 am
Is it true people have the opportunity to change during Ramadan?

回答 (4)

2020-05-11 7:46 pm
Salami. Yeah sure why not.
2020-05-14 10:36 am
As GOD said, GOD would not change the condition of the people ,unless they change themselves, so the month of Ramadan is the best occasion to change ourselves from any short coming in our past lives in to the life of purity and salvation of the soul and spirit , through fasting the whole month of Ramadan . More over GOD support those who wanted to change their lives in to goodness by chaining satan in this month. They do normally invite people for having Iftar or breaking fast together in the Masjids or any gathering places as convenience to enhance relationship among the believers who fast during the Holy month of Ramadan.
2020-05-13 9:43 pm
You change yourself by making goals and following them and changing your bad habits. No one can change you or nothing unless you work hard towards changing yourself while also asking Allah to help you with your problem. 
2020-05-11 4:45 am
Yes Ramadan can change some people.

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