Women with penises?

2020-05-10 9:12 am
While looking for my ordinary pornography (vore/macro/micro/giantess/etc) I started to come across women with penises. Is there a name for this?

回答 (12)

2020-05-11 5:48 am
so what, if there nice, i would date them
2020-05-10 4:48 pm
It's called shemale. 
2020-05-10 2:44 pm
Since what you describe sounds like you are looking at drawn pornographic artwork, the women with penises in that artwork could be transgender or they could be hermaphrodites (in the case of the latter, they would have a vagina between their scrotum and anus).  There may be other character types with different explanations for their anatomy.  But if you're talking about photographic and video pornography, the women with penises you describe are transgender women. They are women who were born with male anatomy and have not had corrective surgery to change their genitals into the vagina they were supposed to have.  There are a lot of transgender women on sites like Chaturbate (notably, I've never seen a transgender man on there; I don't know why).  An older term for such women is "shemale", but that term has fallen out of favor and is seen as offensive by some in the transgender community despite it still commonly being in porn search keywords.
2020-05-10 9:45 am
Yes there is a name
2020-05-10 12:19 pm
you mean gay dudes with tlts?
2020-05-10 11:09 am
Yes there's a name for that.  They're called men.
2020-05-13 5:14 pm
Yes, shemales or trannies.
2020-05-11 11:29 am
Many times they are just Shemales.
2020-05-10 10:21 am
transgender porn
2020-05-10 11:43 am
Are you sure you're old enough to be on Yahoo Answer. 
Most 12 year old kids could give you that information you're seeking.

If you have figured out how to find porn, then you're not stupid. I had a reason to be stupid when I was young, we didn't have Internet.   
If you are smart enough to find porn you should see all sorts of ads with guys who have grown big boobs. 
Maybe read some of the ads instead of just looking at their images. 
At least you'll learn something, like what they call themselves.  
Now go do your homework. .  

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:14:33
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