I think I'm an evil and a bad person. What do I do now? How can I fix that?

2020-05-08 10:54 am
I hurt others around me for my own benefit. Whether that be my family member or just a classmate, I argue until I actually hurt them emotionally, or I put them down enough so they eventually snap at me. I do not hold back when somebody asks me for my opinion on something and I sometimes go too far with it, making the person feel hurt. I sometimes bully my own friends just for the fun of it. You can imagine they'd want to leave after it goes too far. 

Thing is, I don't do these things for my own self enjoyment of hurting people. I don't even know why I do them, I just know why I don't. I wish I could be more emotional and empathetic towards other people. I feel guilt for these things, but I don't know how to fix them.

回答 (3)

2020-05-09 12:20 am
The things that can cause this - anger can be the cause, also being worried about yourself, feeling that you're not good enough. This the kind of thing counseling can help with. Be patient with yourself. Don't expect yourself to be a new person overnight. It's a matter of developing good habits, which takes time. A good habit is to look before you leap -  think about what you're going to say instead of saying the first thing that comes into your head. The truth can be told a lot of ways - there are polite ways to tell the truth. A really, really good book, one that's been a best-seller for generations: How to Win Friends and Influence People.
2020-05-08 11:06 am
I feel that you are depressed and you are searching for an answer in life. Look deep within yourself and ask what is missing. Perhaps you have yet to meet a long term goal? Perhaps you aren't doing something that makes you happy? You are seeing behind a brick wall currently and only by fulfilling what you have yet to do may you find that you can break through that brick wall and finally see.
2020-05-09 2:48 am
yeah...this is true sometimes so many thoughts come in our mind...positive and negative at the same time... and only our inner voice which actually relates to our self/soul... guides us for... what should we do or not...or say helps us to understand what is right and wrong...

and...The true meaning of human life is.... Self Realization. Love /hate, Good/evil, happiness/sorrow, positive/ negative, virtue/sin, soul/ body, heaven /hell.. are the creations of God.... So, by pure faith in God we can understand our eternal nature... which relates to our soul as our soul is the Part and Parcel of.... Supreme Soul...."God" ... Actually, we are spiritual souls but we are in human body. We are from the spiritual world. God has sent us on the earth...only for self realization.. as our souls are not as pure as, they have to be... So, God has given us human life where our body feels happiness as well as suffers pain. Therefore, we souls are here... to achieve... the level of purity and to become pure soul.... we should make an effort to understand the deeper meaning of unconditional love for all living beings.... in every situation... Moreover, the eternal nature of our soul is to Love God...

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:36:44
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