You win a gazillion dollars. What the first car u buy?

2020-05-08 1:52 am

回答 (15)

2020-05-11 2:15 pm
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A Prius and then I would donate all the money to Al Gore so he could stop the polar bears from dying. 
2020-05-08 2:01 am
screw that i'm getting an airship.
2020-05-08 1:53 am
A spaceship to travel to my own planet.
2020-05-08 9:37 am
The original Batmobile.
2020-05-08 8:38 pm
One with a chauffeur...!!
2020-05-08 6:09 am
A car sculpted to look exactly like my penis
2020-05-08 1:55 am
Just a really nice hatchback. I'm not really in to super cars. I'd probably get the Ford Focus ST.
2020-05-09 4:22 am
I'd spend months just walking in to showrooms and test driving everything. I wouldn't just buy the most expensive.
2020-05-11 9:47 pm
I would be looking for a limo  that comes with a chauffeur.
2020-05-10 1:26 pm
Probably a convertible Porsche ... 911 Cabriolet Turbo S maybe. Only 165,000 euro. 

I'd need at least five of them so the paint colour could coordinate with my handbags.
2020-05-08 9:54 am
A Renault Twizzy!  I have no use for one but every time I see one I grin from ear to ear.  They just look like so much fun for city driving, so I'd buy one and not feel guilty about it and probably pass it on a few weeks later, but you specifically asked about the first car, nit the Jag widowmaker I'd be looking out for.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:36:04
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