With 33m unemployed, 1.26m Coronavirus cases and 74,581 deaths on his watch, is Donald Trump the most incompetent President in US history?

2020-05-07 9:39 pm

回答 (113)

2020-05-07 9:41 pm
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It is still too early to tell, but he is the leading contender at the moment.
2020-05-08 8:20 pm
Your ignorance about viruses just makes you sound dumb.
2020-05-07 9:43 pm
He already was.
2020-05-10 5:26 am
Donald Trump has done a good job with this whole CoronaVirus thing. He encouraged everyone to stay home, wear masks, and not to show up to work in places that might pose a great danger to illness. Plus he closed many stores down to prevent public infections. Sure a lot of people lost their jobs.. But would you rather they have died for being around each other?...well thats up to you to decide.
2020-05-10 12:19 am
Donald Trump is not entirely to blame for the situation.  I am not a fan of him, but the fact is that he is dealing with a tough situation. Regardless of who is president, there would have been deaths and economic consequences due to this virus. I would say that his response could have been alot better but it is not all his fault.
2020-05-09 12:35 am
Of course. The Chinese were told back in November that their security in that lab was terrible and they did nothing. Then, one of the workers, who's probably been murdered by now by the secret police, takes the virus out of the lab and infects the whole region. China lies about the whole thing to stockpile PPEs and keeps telling the world that there's no problem while "disappearing" the doctors who insist on warning the world. No Trump involved there. When the Chinese finally admit there's a problem, Trump closes the border to the Chinese 2 DAYS after they say something. liberal Democrats like Pelosi, DiBlasio, Cuomo, Kenny of Philadelphia and their health commissioners, call Trump a racist and encourage people to party in Chinatown. Most of the deaths are in nursing homes, where Cuomo INSISTED that they admit sick people and didn't remove them when he said he would or supply them with what they needed to care for those people. Even the liberal media is beginning to see what he did. It's liberal Democrats who close society and then golf on closed courses or getting haircuts because, as they point out, they're more important than the rest of us. 

Trump did an awesome job and liberals jumped on this thing to "not let the crisis go to waste" and get their agendas done. Democrats are hoping that this will effect the election. It will but not the way you're hoping.
2020-05-08 11:03 am
When he gets the nations economy  open again he will be back to the best since Lincoln or Reagan.
2020-05-10 3:23 pm
Seriously? whether or not I support President Trump, do really think that 1.26 million flu cases and 74,581 deaths are his fault? I am grateful I dont know you.
2020-05-08 2:26 am
Herbert Hoover was arguably more incompetent as POTUS than Donald J Trump
2020-05-11 1:19 pm
Obama was worse but Obama had eight years of incompetence.   Obama still worse than Trump at 3 1/3 years but It could go either way.
2020-05-10 3:42 am
yes, I am agreed.

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