new Samsung TV wont let soundbar go to full volume ?

2020-05-07 6:00 pm
Samsung TV Model UN32J4000

SOUND BAR LUGULAKE MODEL T-180BT if I had a little amplifier box in series from the optical out port to the sound bar perhaps this for solve the low out put signal / what do you think?

I have been on chats and tried changing to PCM format, changed auto volume on to off , change to RC red and white cables no change nothing helps my other TV a San yo with head phone out jacks worked fine however this new Samsung just isn't putting enough signal power out for the sound bar ,I think the little amplifier may help ,I even tried external speaker settings and both speakers on nothing will give the Soundbar the boost it needs I believe the factory set Pr amp out for the audio external speakers are fixed very low what do you think?

回答 (1)

2020-05-07 8:18 pm
There are no amplifiers that will do what you are thinking of.

I suspect you may have a bad optical cable,
or you may have left the protective end caps on when you connected it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:55:08
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