Wife baby talking me?

2020-05-07 4:11 pm
My wife talks to me like that, Like a baby. I hate it so much !!! I don't like it and I've told her to stop. She says it's how she shows love to me. I was raised in a family that didn't show love through words. They showed it through action. My mother never even told me she loved me while growing up, but she showed it everyday. I am not very emotional. Am I doing things wrong. Should I embrace the baby talk? It also slips in public sometimes. I get really embarrassed.

回答 (18)

2020-05-07 5:51 pm
If that is how she expresses her love for you, perhaps you should accept it rather than telling he what to do. So what if your mother behaved differently? You didn't choose to marry her! In general women tend to  communicate more verbally while men do so physically. Perhaps instead of telling your wife what you want her to do, have some discussions. ASK her to keep the baby talk for the bedroom, for example. Ask her what you can do to be less annoying (we all are guilty of this!). 

Reading books like Dr Phil McGraw's excellent Relationship Rescue helps to give us deeper insights into how relationships work. (I wish I got commission, as I recommend it to so many people!). As he writes in the book, it isn't only or people whose relationships are in trouble. There are other excellent books, of course.  
Good Luck!
2020-05-08 7:05 am
Asked to be nursed I suppose.............
2020-05-07 7:05 pm
This is really trivial. You married her as she is. Accept it as affection.
2020-05-09 11:02 pm
Baby talk is demeaning. 
Baby talk is a way of placating you.
Your lack of showing emotion has nothing to do with her baby talking you.

You need to be honest and tell her that what used to be cute now drives you nuts in private and embarrasses you in public. Tell her to refrain from doing it and that you will help her break the habit by kindly reminding her every time she does it.
2020-05-08 9:05 pm
Refuse to answer or respond until she talks like an adult. I find this a very irritating habit too...it makes me hostile. 

However--don't get TOO bent out of shape about it. There are worse things to encounter in any marriage. Just tell her you are no longer going to be answering or responding until she speaks like a grownup. That may do the trick. (And while you tell her this--be hugging or kissing her for loving you.)
2020-05-08 6:09 pm
Recreating our childhood, making childish winks and fusses has worked wonders. And nothing like sweetening it up with a soft little voice. However precisely because of this system of reward and advancement-making, its nuance in sexual and couple dynamics may contain a great desire for control.
It is neither a general rule nor the most appropriate. Especially in a context where blackmail or manipulation is detected. I   am not necessarily starting to delete all “couple codes” where this type of expression is used, but keep an eye on the types and frequencies of occasions that your wife is using them.
參考: exoticsex.home.blog/2019/11/07/sexual-roleplays
2020-05-08 11:55 am
Accept your wifes love in any way that she chooses to show it unless it diminishes you as a person.
2020-05-08 5:44 am
Baby talk as in she talks like a baby? or baby talk as in affection? if it's the second one you have to deal with that because that's who she is. It's not like it's something bad or problematic that needs to be changed. If you guys have been together for a long then you should be able to accept that about her.
2020-05-07 4:18 pm
I'm sure you were aware of this earlier in your relationship. If she won't stop then why bring it up now after you married her. Either learn to live with your decision or get her to stop.
2020-05-07 4:35 pm
You need to have a talk with your wife. After you explain how much you don't like it, if she insists on doing it then tell her every time she uses baby talk you'll yell out 'fat ***". Tell her you think it's cute and how you want to show her love.

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