
2020-05-07 2:57 pm

回答 (5)

2020-05-08 8:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
According to the original writing on movies, novels, CDs,the beginning, middle and ending are newly formed or created; not copied or imitated.Original ideas are original design able to produce new ideas in an inventive method for an original thinker/writer/director with an original mind. in an original manner to speak/think/ write in the beginning to middle to the ending.
----Any sequel planning ,whether up or down, are not better than the plan written best for us to view, to follow.If the something is copied or imitated, then the work lacks originality and weaker than the original.
----Once the original is done, then another story is not the sequel any more, but another story.
----Sequel of Dr Zivago cannot be done  because the same character of an earlier has had died.
2020-05-21 10:38 am
因為有期望, 而且最好的已在第一集出現
2020-05-14 5:17 am
2020-05-07 3:43 pm
2020-05-07 3:12 pm

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