How could anyone be a Jehovah’s Witness?

2020-05-07 2:44 pm
I can understand following just about any religion (hardcore atheists that are about to go off please just leave this isn’t for you) but I mean this religion is so obviously made up and actively corrupt. The culture of it is cold and the concept of shunning your own family is disgusting  Look into the “2 witness rule” when it comes to sexual abuse and how they don’t report it to authorities that will raise about 100 red flags. I don’t understand how someone could buy into this? Even the way they talk sounds so brainwashed. 

回答 (35)

2020-05-07 2:59 pm
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A very large number of them were brought up in that religion by parents who either became JWs themselves, or had been brought up as that. As for the converts gleaned from door-to-door visits etc, they are often people who are at a vulnerable point in their lives when along come the JWs promising a paradise Earth with no sickness and seeing dead ones resurrected - within a few years, if not months! 

All of that was involved in my family, going back 3 generations. From one series of visits back in the early 1930s and the conversion of a couple who had just had their 5-year-old firstborn killed, came 16 JWs (though most of them stopped being JWs later in life.) That does not include all the JWs they converted on their door-to-door work, of course. The conversions come with simplistic answers to difficult questions, apparently from the Bible. But as almost all their converts are biblically illiterate to begin with, it's easy-peasy to convince them that JW teaching is unique and the only biblical truth around. The simplistic technique is to smear all of Christendom with muck then compare themselves as being whiter than the driven snow. "Jehovah must be blessing us - see how we are growing!" while trying to cover up the hundreds of thousands of disenchanted JWs who either slip out the back door or are brutally disfellowshipped and shunned. 

But when the Holy Spirit deals with individuals, He first convicts them of their sin before a holy God, which causes them to cry out to God for forgiveness as they trust only in what Jesus did to be saved. Then the new-born Christian is helped by local Christians (denomination almost an irrelevance) to grow in understanding and in God's grace. It's not a head-trip, as with the JWs - it's a spiritual heart transplant and a new mind - the mind of Christ.
2020-05-08 5:59 am
I can tell you why I became one of Jehovah's Witnesses:

I have been reading the Bible for almost as long as I have been reading.
My parents taught me the 10 commandments, the Lord's Prayer, the 23rd Psalm, and a few other Bible verses. When I began to read the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses, I was surprised to read how they supported all of their beliefs and practices with the Bible's teachings.  My understanding of religion previously was : You believe in this teaching, because you are that religion.  Then I learned that if a teaching is not taught in the Bible, then it does not please God.

Then I learned that Jehovah's witnesses go from house to house preaching because Jesus sent his followers out, and even told them what to say.  I only knew religious activity as going to church and singing, and listening to the minister's sermon.  When I began to go to the meetings with Jehovah's Witnesses, I actually learned many things from the Bible that people who believe in God are supposed to do or not do.  In one regular study with the Witnesses, I found out where many religious teachings and practices came from in history, and they did not come from the Bible

Disfellowshipping, I learned, came from the Bible, particularly 1 Corinthians 5:1 to 5:13, and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. Jesus referred to it in Matthew 18:15-17, and 2 John 9-11 refers to it also.  I learned from 1 Corinthians 6 that to get into the kingdom of God, one has to stop doing what God says one should not do, and that is repentance  If a baptized Witness stopped repenting and went back to doing things that displeased God and did not want to change, they could be no longer part of the congregation.  It's in the Bible, whether people agree with it or not, and I was told that with God's help through Jesus, we have to try hard and ask for his spirit to strengthen us to obey what He says.

I knew that people who belonged to churches do things that are against what was in the Bible, but they are allowed to stay members and not repent.
I wanted to do what Jesus sent his followers to do, as Matthew 10 and Matthew 24:14 say.

So, I prayerfully prepared my heart and made up my mind to make it my goal to become one of Jehovah's witnesses. And I did, many years ago, and Jehovah my God has never let me down.
2020-05-08 12:37 am
I can't speak for others, but becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses is the best and wisest decision I ever made.

Contrary to the distorted facts, Jehovah's Witnesses are among the cleanest and most honest people on the planet.

Why, because we don't 'pick and chose' what commandments we want to obey.

Those who reject the 2 witness rule, are actually claiming to be smarter than Jesus.

In this one case, Jesus was wrong, and they are correct. 

Until the next subject, they disagree with. Such as treating a non repentant brother as a tax collector.  Or going to war, etc.

And yet notice how clean Jehovah's people are.

Depending upon the source, Pedophiles make up 3% to 6% of the total population of the earth. 

Let's use the apostate numbers, in the late 1990 - 2000's apostates claimed there were 123,000 'unreported' cases of the 7.5 million witnesses at that time.  That means only 01.64% are accused of being such.

Again, personally I have tasted and seen that living by Jehovah's standard, living with Jehovah's people is the best life ever.

What other group of people could you leave a $200 to 300 electronic device on a chair among 10,000 of your brothers and sisters, and know, NOT ONE brother or sister will steal it.  Or if found would taken to the lost and found department.

2020-05-07 7:07 pm
Proverbs 18:2 
A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his or her own opinions.
2020-05-07 2:53 pm
So if you would rather worship Satan the Devil, so be it...
Doesn't mean you need to bad mouth other religions just because you are ignorant.
2020-05-08 3:21 pm
Troll 101 FAIL.

This regugitation of a question is refuted correctly here every day.
參考: Here is the truth in 1000 languages:
2020-05-07 9:38 pm
Through Bible study and prayer.

How is it made up?

How are we actively corrupt?

Why do you disagree with Jesus' standard of the 2 witness rule?
2020-05-07 3:01 pm
As with all religions, people follow their parents' religion and their parents  followed their parents and so on.

The 19th century saw the start of many new Christian religions. JWs first appeared in the 1870s in the USA as a branch of the Bible Student movement  among followers of Christian Restorationist minister Charles Taze Russell. Seventh Day Adventists became official in 1863. The Salvation Army in 1865. The Mormons in the 1820s but in Utah with Brigham Young in 1844. The Christadelphians in 1848 and so on
2020-05-08 7:28 am
I already did .  In my reply to the best answer.
2020-05-09 2:12 pm
Just wondering if Michael Jackson was kicked out of the JWs?

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