Top medical scientists say to expect more than 3,000 Coronavirus deaths per day as Republicans prematurely open states. Thoughts?

2020-05-07 1:57 pm

回答 (14)

2020-05-10 4:25 am
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I say..........let republicans open whatever they want.......let them crowd together........let them attend Trump rallies, and pack them in real tight.........

and then let Darwinism do it's thing.
2020-05-07 1:58 pm
Spoken like someone who has never actually held a job.  Sparky, I know you view welfare as a career, but it's not.  So stfu and get back to your tax payer funded world of warcraft game...
2020-05-07 1:59 pm
Red states have been opening up for a few weeks now. Right now blue states are starting to open up, so if you have a problem with that take it up with your own party starting with Gavin Newsom.
2020-05-07 1:58 pm
Are these scientists paid by the government I wonder ? Do they get a bonus for making up these fake numbers ? I still haven't met anyone who has this disease. As a matter of fact, I don't know of anyone who knows anyone who has this disease.
2020-05-07 2:07 pm
Trump cares only about getting the economy up and running again because he thinks it might recover in time to help his chances of re-election. Chances are that the economy will take at least a year or two to recover, but Trump is willing to risk thousands of lives on the slim possibility that it will work out for him. He’s a very dangerous and desperate man.
2020-05-07 2:08 pm
If that happens then they will shut down again. States have to try or we will suffer another great depression.
2020-05-07 2:40 pm
Not all states are republican - wakie wakie dumbo.  It's at the state level, NOT the federal level to decide for each state.  Get your head out of your behind.  The governor of each state decides.  Nobody else.  And they make their decisions NOT based on any political ideology.  Thoughts?  I'd go with the opinions of most of the medical experts and the CDC, which is what President Trump has suggested.
2020-05-07 2:06 pm
My county had a one tenth of one percent infection rate. Now with Foster Farms chicken plant infection. it has grown exponentially in the last two weeks. Open things up is stupid..
2020-05-07 2:21 pm
The only way to flatten the curve with this virus is to quarantine. Many people are under-reacting because they think they’re invincible and will never get this virus. We’re reliving the same reality that happened back in 1918 with the Spanish Flu. If we continue to let history repeat itself, the death toll will continue to increase and wave 2 of this will be even deadlier than it is now. 

Yes, getting the economy up and running is important, but it’s kinda hard to do that when you’re ill or dead. The way I look at it, it’s better to be a little broke than dead 🤷🏻‍♀️

Also, the people who are protesting are just mad because the government is telling them what to do. Welcome to having a uterus my friends! The sad part is they’re protesting to go back to work for the same money hungry corporations that have been screwing them over for years. 

It’s a very sad situation but if it were up to me, I would choose to isolate myself and live over working and going out to hopefully survive. I truly believe the nurses working on the front lines more than anyone else. When they say to stay home, it’s for good reason because they see the ugliness of this first hand. 
2020-05-07 3:25 pm
You mad bro. Experts claimed 2.5 million American deaths. Poor little cult sheep.

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