What happens on Christmas if it does not snow because of Global Warming?

2020-05-07 7:50 am

回答 (9)

2020-05-07 7:53 am
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If you look at the AGW model, it's more likely to snow at Christmas because of global warming....
2020-05-07 10:31 am
Where did you get all of your sock poppet accounts?
2020-05-07 10:19 am
Fake black hat question.  Don't waste your time.
2020-05-07 8:20 am
Nothing, if you live in the Southern Hemisphere that's normal.
2020-05-07 8:53 am
With global cooling deepening, expect lots of snow.
2020-05-07 8:00 am
There will be fewer traffic fatalities from the ice and snow. There is good in everything.
2020-05-07 7:56 am
Christmas still goes ahead!
2020-05-07 7:56 am
It will still be December 25th, what changes?
Don't they celebrate Christmas in New Mexico, they don't get buckets on snow i don't think.
The day still happens, you just can't ski.
2020-05-09 10:45 am
Time to grab my snow machine...

Jk.  Actually well... nothing happens though it'll just not be a white Christmas.

Don't let the weather let you down, life is unpredictable so I'd just grab the snow machine and make it you're own white Christmas, though harder to clean up.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:39:50
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