請問英文高手, 下列的中文, 麻煩幫我翻譯成英文:資金流通上可以做到更好的安排,所以尾款的支付上一定能準時付款,如果還有疑慮,可以再討論。?

2020-05-06 10:03 pm

回答 (2)

2020-05-07 7:38 am
The circulation paying of funds can be better arranged; so your final payment will be able to pay prompt as demanded. If there are doubts for the services rendered, we can discuss it again.
2020-05-08 9:07 am
In order to have a better arrangement for your flow of fund (cash flow?), we will certainly make the final payment in a timely fashion.  
Please direct your doubt, if any, to us for further discussion. 

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