Erasing suicidal thoughts because of quarantine....?

2020-05-06 1:36 pm
Ok. I've reached that point!!! I'm going absolutely insane!!!! 2 months without leaving my house, no social life...  bored, and feel useless. I'm willing to blow my brains out right now to end it all. Someone give me advice plzzzzzzz

Appreciate all the advice! Maybe I took it a bit too far, thankfully I slept it out... I don't think I would ever actually shoot myself... I'm being forced not to work tho, running out of money very quickly, and unable to contact unemployment. This is all building up, hoping I don't burst... I am one of millions with this same story. 

回答 (21)

2020-05-06 6:16 pm
Things are going to get better even if they seem hopeless. For example, Mandela spent 27 years in prison. He stayed strong and was released and became president of his country and did a lot of good and had a great and happy life because he stayed alive. I know of someone who was severely depressed for many years and was able to recover and live a happy life. There was a time I felt hopeless and miserable but now I am very happy I decided to stay alive.
參考: .
2020-05-06 2:40 pm
Go do good. Volunteer to help fight the virus. We have people in my 'hood who are sewing and distributing face masks for free. It keeps them occupied and doing good things for their community. Or take part in a food bank distribution.

And you do know you can leave your house any time you want don't you? Go take a walk around the block and enjoy the spring time. Wear your mask and keep your distance, but get out of the house.

Don't use the shelter in place edict as an excuse to be indolent.
2020-05-07 12:04 am
You can socialize over the internet.  Use hangouts, zoom, skype, facetime, etc.

Also, is there some particular reason you can't leave the house?  In my area, we can go outside with a mask and walk around or bike.
2020-05-07 1:37 am
ok ...listen....look around, the whole earth is on the same case, not just your country, your city or view it too can't , again, the whole earth !!

why are you feeling useless ? bored i get, but useless ? supermarkets are open no ? if you really bored, ask them to give you 2 hrs a day whatever, but you have to commit to show up
2020-05-06 3:04 pm
This too shall pass. Tomorrow is another day. This is a good time to be making plans for life after quarantine. A bright future awaits if you make it happen.
2020-05-07 2:51 pm
I’m so sorry that you’ve been feeling this way! I know the quarantine is having a negative effect on everyone’s mental health, but please don’t let it get to you! I know that’s easier said than done, but this whole situation is temporary and it will pass!! 

Some of the things I’ve been doing is knitting, sleeping in late, cleaning, playing rock band, playing board games with my boyfriend, going for walks, gardening, baking and cooking, yoga, and FaceTiming friends and family.

I know it’s hard but I believe in you! Keeping yourself busy will keep your mind off of everything else going on, and even though it might seem boring being home, there’s always something to do! Stay strong my friend! xx
2020-05-07 3:13 am
There is plenty to do! Take a walk, talk with friends, read a good book, volunteer somewhere. This will pass, don't even think of ending your life.
2020-05-07 6:22 am
Actually I fully sympathize.  You have a big hug from me.  Essential services dont include houses of worship.  This says a lot about religious people...

Careful to how you use the "s" word.  Mental health can physically remove you from home and quarantine you in a psych ward until they evaluate you.  Though it may not last long, you have NO comforts of home then.  

My employer is closed too.  Do some around the block exercise like I do: if I dont have a fever or broken bones, the ONLY healthy thing to do is pedal and get phys ed.  

I really wish they would have given us the FACTS and let people decide how much risk to take.  More empowering that way.  
2020-05-11 1:05 pm
No one has it worse than me. I had masked men break into my house the other day beat me up and rob me people r desperate right now it’s a pandemic 

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