Why has Trump’s handling of the coronavirus been such a massive failure (USA has almost 1 million MORE cases than the next closest country)?

2020-05-06 10:02 am

回答 (35)

2020-05-06 10:14 am
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Because Dr Idiot thought it was a HOAX and refused to do anything for the first 2 months except play golf and hold political rallies. Over 72,000 Americans dead thanks to this Orange Moron. It'll be double that due to all the premature openings the idiot is doing.
2020-05-06 10:03 am
His incompetence enabled it to spread throughout the country and we STILL don’t have enough testing or PPE!!!
2020-05-06 10:10 am
He is delusional.
2020-05-06 10:27 am
i dont think its been a failure
2020-05-06 10:19 am
The exponential curve of the virus outbreak is such that early intervention makes a big difference to the end results. It has a slow rise and then accelerates exponentially beyond control. It is much easier to stop it at the early stages than trying to fix it when it explodes.

Check this progression:

The First 7 step progression:

The Next 7 step progression:

The Next 7 step progression:

Monitor how many days it takes to double the number of Covid-19 cases. That will give you an idea of how rapid the virus is spreading.
2020-05-06 10:09 am
The " medical experts " said if Trump didn't save us 2 1/2 million Americans would die of the Wuhan Flu . Since Trump took over those numbers were adjusted downward to 200k , then a week later to 100k with an actual death toll of under 70k .( .0002 of the population )
According to the " Medical Experts Scientific Data " Trump has literally snatched millions from the jaws of death .
2020-05-06 10:29 am
That is because our population is larger and we have better testing. When this started the "experts" were saying there could be more than 1 million deaths. How can you blame Trump when then were less than 1/10th of that.
2020-05-07 11:44 am
I believe that had Hillary Clinton been the president she would have acted much sooner!
2020-05-07 1:01 am
Each person has a responsibility to keep safe.  You can't blame someone else.  Stay Home - Wear a mask - wash your hands -  You have to do your part!!!  Someone else can't do it for you ---  Common sense ----
2020-05-07 1:46 am
Predicted deaths from the COVID-19: 2.5 million
Actually deaths: 70 K.
Life saved by Trump's (and the state governor's) policies: 2,430,000

Sounds like a successful policy to me.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:39:18
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