Have we ever figured out who let the dogs out?

2020-05-06 12:10 am

回答 (6)

2020-05-06 12:23 am
"When a mans dog turns against him it is time for his wife to pack her trunk and go home to momma"  Mark Twain.  
2020-05-06 12:12 am
If Jonathan King had not let his dog out in the presence of 15 year old boys, he wouldn't have spent 4 years in prison for it.
2020-05-06 12:25 am

You already know who I think it is......👁
2020-05-06 12:18 am
do we care????????
2020-05-06 12:13 am
The gardeners . They never latch the gate on the way out .
2020-05-06 12:12 am
yea hiu hou hoi

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