2020-05-05 1:54 pm
I was fine then started feeling like I couldn't get a deep satisfying breath and it went on (had it a lot before. But nkt like this) and I started feeling faint bc of it. I started sweating then shaking super bad then my hands tingling and gone numb. I wanna cry I feel like I'm dying I'm so scared I feel I csnt breathe. It gets a bit better then I feel faint and hard to breathe again I can't stop shaking is this a panic attack idk how to calm.doen I'm so scared.  I'm 20. It's hard to breathe then I feel faint and I'm shaking so bad I'm scared I'm dying nothing is helping.

Am I dying


I hsd caffeine 

回答 (11)

2020-05-06 7:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
this sounds like a panic attack.
you’re not dying. everything is going to be okay.
when this happens, find a safe space where you can calm down. take deep breaths, breathe in for 5 seconds and breathe out for 8. 

if it’s hard to breathe, bring your shoulder up to your ears, then bring them back (try to touch your shoulder blades together) and then drop. repeat once or twice.

when it’s over, get some water and take a rest, they can be pretty exhausting. if they continue to happen, you might have an anxiety disorder, and you should consult a doctor, and maybe find a therapist. trust me, there is help.

to all you who are telling them they’re trolling, or being stupid, or faking for attention, or that their problems aren’t real: as a person who has panic attacks too, they are extremely stressful and frightening, especially when you don’t know what it is. a lot of people think they’re dying, especially the first time. i don’t care how much worse it could be, it is still a valid and serious problem. panic attacks are terrifying and they're more common than a lot of you seem to think. so please, be considerate and kind. being told the things you are telling OP can make a panic attack worse in an instant. 

to OP: you are valid, your problems are valid, you are going to be okay. if you want my email, just let me know. i’m always open to talk.
2020-05-05 2:06 pm
I'll assume that you're serious and not just trolling.  It could be any of a number of conditions, from a panic attack to a blood glucose low.  (As a diabetic myself, I'm familiar with bg lows).  

Better safe than sorry, so you may want to dial 9-1-1.
2020-05-05 11:09 pm
You're in the middle of a panic attack and can manage to type this question on the internet.  Interesting.  Call your doctor and ask for his or her advice instead of asking random strangers on the internet.
2020-05-05 6:11 pm
Get in touch with a doctor you big kid. 
2020-05-06 1:11 am
You might be very sensitive to caffeine, but it won't kill you. If you don't like coffee, don't drink it.
This answer, rated Best, 5 Stars, has a variety of useful information.
2020-05-05 9:55 pm
I really wish you were.  Then maybe you would stop posting this kind of pathetic idiocy over and over.
2020-05-08 8:36 pm
 best to see a doctor.. and then a second opinion.. Sounds like ur 1st panic attack..  Breathe slowly, lie down. 
 Breathe slowly, lie down. and 111  might help if need be.
2020-05-07 4:31 pm
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28, KJV).
2020-05-05 1:58 pm
LMAO nice.     
2020-05-06 5:54 am
Two words; gasoline and lighter

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