He didn’t try to have sex with me?

2020-05-05 1:45 pm
We’ve been dating about 6 weeks. Have had sex 3 times. This weekend I spent the night after a great evening together. He got into bed naked as he usually sleeps. I got in with panties on. He turned to me and we were facing each other and he was holding me and kissed me a little. Then stopped and soon fell asleep. The morning came and he was affectionate,  but again did not try to have sex. I left. We’ve talked since and everything seems ok. 

回答 (3)

2020-05-05 8:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I love sexy panties on a cute bum so i would have tried to make love to you. Just honest...Rob
2020-05-05 3:39 pm
men are not sex machines.
2020-05-05 2:32 pm
Maybe he took the panties to mean that you two weren't going to have sex.

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