How to deal with this domestic abuse situation?

2020-05-05 5:16 am
So I am super depressedand have been diagnosedwith PTSD in the past year. I am taking several anti depressant medications and I struggle with suicide and self harm. The problem is, whenever I cut.My husband beats me. Usually a spanking openhandedly or with a leather belt. He strips me and then doesn't allow me to have clothes on for the rest of the day. I want this to stop and it's not fair. But I don't know how.

回答 (10)

2020-05-08 12:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
on one hand, and by the relevant laws there- it sounds  it's about time to involve either social services or the police or so- to stop domestic abuse.
 on the other hand - you still need the professional help of a psychiatrist , in real life, in your area, for your soul problems - depression, self - harming and so( especially your suicidal ideation- if so).
 I just heartily want you to understand that, more than once, self - harming/ cutting is kind of a conversive mechanism= turning soul/ emotional pain into physical pain to more easily tackle the former...yes,
 stick to life...timely get the help you need.
learn/ get used to boost your self - esteem and self - confidence … to love and respect yourself along with respecting clearly set clear limits to people : the limits of your human dignity...yes.
 strive to make the best out
2020-05-06 8:55 am
Call the police...they will gladly take him off your hands.
2020-05-05 5:26 am
First of all, quit cutting yourself; that makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. I'm hurting, so I think I will inflict more pain.

Secondly, get out of there. Report him to the police, get a restraining order, etc.

Grow some figurative balls and take charge of your life. Quit being a punching bag.
2020-05-07 8:49 am
he is a psychopath
in the long run he will kill you, there is no cure
2020-05-07 4:02 am
I hope you can get help about this domestic violence situation.

You do not have to put up with this. He is too toxic in your life and we all need positive people around us.

Could it be that he has robbed you of your self confidence? It certainly sounds like it. It is when you are free of him that you will realize just how awful he was and how you are never going to put up with this treatment again from anybody.
2020-05-05 11:52 am
Do you have any family member that you can trust? You need to ask for help
There are many resources for victims of domestic abuse but you need to ask for help.
If your husband beats you call 911 for starters.
2020-05-06 5:24 am
If the above story is accurate, you need to call the nearest women's shelter and ask for advice on how to get out of your present situation.  Do you have family or friends you can move in with?  See a therapist to help you with your self-harming and PTSD.
2020-05-06 2:50 am
Nice try, because i know this is not true.
2020-05-06 8:47 am
That's a common fantasy.
2020-05-05 8:34 am
Speak to a mental health therapist about your fantasies.

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