Why does Trump care more about Kim Jong-un's health than the Americans who have died of coronavirus?

2020-05-04 11:04 pm

回答 (87)

2020-05-04 11:30 pm
Because Trump is in love with the murderous and twisted dictator. Trump said so himself.
The uproar if Obama or any other Democrat had said the same thing would be deafening with spittle flying out of every mouth on Fox Noise.
2020-05-06 3:20 am
Yeah Trump has always had a warm spot in his heart for a fellow pudgy psychopath who had an American kid named Otto Warmbier beaten into such severe brain damage for filching a propaganda poster from a Pyongyang hotel that when Otto was finally shipped back here back here to die, his Dad said he had never heard tortured, guttural sounds like those coming from his son from an actual human being before....as he watched his son die in writhing agony strapped down to a hospital bed. 

Yeah this is the kind of America-hating dictator Trump likes to write “beautiful love letters” to. 

Maybe Trump had his staff do a little research and found out Warmbier ‘s parents were registered as “Democrat”?
2020-05-07 12:56 am
He doesn't but haters, like you, would naturally think so.
2020-05-04 11:54 pm
Trump knows we have nothing left to offer him.
2020-05-04 11:24 pm
Have you ever written Donnie a Love Letter?  I didn't think so!
2020-05-06 12:47 am
It baffles me.  Kim Jong Un deserves to rot in hell.
2020-05-05 11:13 am
Why have you taken the ramblings of some joker named Reza as credible? I bet you did not see a single virus briefing over the last month and yet you think this makes any sense.
2020-05-04 11:48 pm
How many treaties does President Trump need to negotiate with American citizens? How do you know he cares more about Kim's death than about any Americans?
2020-05-06 1:19 am
Fake Twitter news
2020-05-06 5:31 pm
Because hes as anxious to see the f'r die just as much as I am

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