I have so much anxiety I can't leave my house?

2020-05-04 7:47 am
This has been going on for five years and I feel mentally destroyed from this. I feel like my life is over. I sleep constantly. 

回答 (15)

2020-05-04 10:35 am
Of course, the best thing is for you to see a qualified professional, but that can be hard with the present health crisis. One of the self-help treatments I mention in my answers is a support group called Recovery International. They have books and meetings, local and online. You can contact them at RecoveryInternational.org. They have good methods for helping people with motivation to do things that are not easy.

Basically, therapy for phobias, explained in The Feeling Good Handbook by psychiatrist David Burns, is making a list of situations, ranking them according to how scary you find them, and using that ranked list as your objectives. Imagining a situation can be an objective. Start with something really, really easy.

You could have as your first objective sitting in the backyard or standing in the doorway of your front door. Then you might have walking to the mailbox or walking around the block.

You can have as many objectives as you want and spend as much time on one as you want.

The thing to remember is never go from objective A to objective B until you feel completely confident with A. Things that give you confidence are experience and slow breathing. There's enormous laboratory and clinical evidence that slow breathing is effective for calming people down quickly.

Two psychiatrists, Brown and Gerbarg, say a 10 or 20 min slow breathing exercise - 5 breaths a min - is good and 20 min twice a day is a therapy for anxiety. The exercise is inhale and exhale gently, 6 seconds each.

I have information about anxiety treatments in my answers. Click on my name and read.
2020-05-08 10:23 pm
I'm so sorry you have this bad anxiety. I understand cos at one time I didn't go out for a week and the problem is that we don't know what we are actually scared of.

Could you see your doctor? He may give you medication for your nerves.

We are all suffering with this lockdown. Some more than others.

But remember that you are not alone in the way you are feeling and you can always see worse.
2020-05-07 3:28 pm
Yoga will help you a lot.
2020-05-06 1:11 am
I take meds for it, if you need to talk, i am a good listener 
2020-05-06 12:37 am
Meditation practices have been helpful to me personally.
2020-05-05 7:56 am
Are you in psychiatric treatment? 

That's where you need to be. Not counseling, not therapy, but serious, intensive, psychiatric treatment.
2020-05-07 1:33 pm
Drink a lot of water now! 
2020-05-07 8:51 am
That's why god created drugs - weed, psilocybin mushrooms, peyote cacti, opium, etc. Dig in.
2020-05-06 8:49 am
Do you have so much anxiety that you're unable to post a QUESTION on a Q&A site???
2020-05-04 8:03 am
This is not the place to get help. You need CBT therapy. Also there is anxiety drugs. Absolutely no need to suffer so badly.

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