Do you think that the final episode of Puella Magi Madoka Magica is problematic, especially considering the nudity in that episode?

2020-05-03 4:33 am

回答 (5)

2020-05-04 10:12 am
The nudity is worse in the opening; Homura and Madoka's bodies were at least covered up by sparkles in the final episodes. I'd say what's worse is the fact that Madoka effectively committed suicide... or, y'know, Homura telling Kyubey about witches.

That being said, problematic or not, I still like PMMM
2020-05-03 6:30 am
granted i only ever watched the og madoka once and did not like it, but from what i remember, no. like she becomes a goddess or whatever and is probably nude or nude but just in silhouette, but either way i don't have a problem with that. nudity is not inherently sexual, there's a certain purity to it honestly and that's probably what they were going for. there's a big difference between a naked minor just standing or being, and a naked minor being sexualized.
2020-05-03 5:50 am
I don’t think any anime that I’ve seen is too problematic. I don’t remember the nudity you’re talking about but I bet it’s in the tradition of magical girl anime where they show nothing explicit just the silhouette of a girl’s body while she’s transforming. 
2020-05-03 5:49 am
What is problematic is your own mental health, because there is no nudity whatsoever in that anime, meaning that you are either delusional, or an outright troll.
2020-05-03 4:42 am
You have to be pretty messed up to watch that kind of stuff. l don't think we shouId have those garbage cartoons in the U.S.. They're aII about pedophiIia, hypersexuaIizing minors, cordializing and praising violence, pushing unhealthy habits, and creating false images. Even the history of those types of things were meant to be deceptive and a cover-up. I can see why only low-life losers and misfits engage in those types of things. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:18:54
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