determine the percent yield of copper oxide (CuO) in the decomposition of copper (II) carbonate(CuCO3).   ?

2020-05-02 8:15 pm
Copper carbonate decomposes to form copper oxide solid and carbon dioxide gas.

CuCO3(s) rightwards arrowCuO(s) + CO2(g)

The results obtained are in Table 1 below:

Table 1: Results of decomposition

Mass of test tube

18.88 g

Mass of test tube + CuCO3

20.74 g

Mass of CuCO3

1.86 g

Mass of test tube + CuO (after heating)

19.96 g

The actual mass of CuO

a. From the results in the table, calculate the actual mass of CuO formed. [1 point]

b. Given that 1.86 g of CuCO3 is equal to 0.015 moles, use the reaction equation CuCO3(s) rightwards arrowCuO(s) + CO2(g) to calculate:

      i. Number of moles of CuO formed [1 point]

    ii. Mass of CuO formed [2 points]

    iii. Hence find the percent yield [1 point]

回答 (2)

2020-05-02 9:05 pm
Actual mass of CuO formed = (19.96 - 18.88) g = 1.08 g

b. i.
CuCO₃ → CuO + CO₂
Mole ratio CuCO₃ : CuO = 1 : 1

Moles of CuO formed = Moles of CuCO₃ reacted = 0.015 mol

b. ii.
Molar mass of CuO = (64 + 16) = 80 g/mol
Mass of CuO formed = (0.015 mol) × (80 g/mol) = 1.2 g

c. iii.
Percent yield = (1.08/1.2) × 100% = 90%
2020-05-02 9:03 pm
Copper II Carbonate → Copper Oxide + Carbon Dioxide
CuCO₃ → CuO + CO₂
1 mole of CuCO₃ → 1 mole of CuO + 1 mole of CO₂
123.6 g of CuCO₃ → 79.6 g of CuO + 44 g of CO₂

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